Indian Almond Leaf 10pk

SKU: 30406
Stock: Limited Stock
$16.50  Inc. GST

Transform your aquarium into a haven of well-being for your fish with the power of Indian Almond Leaves!
Indian Almond Leaves release tannins and humic acids, replicating the tea-coloured water found in blackwater habitats.
This naturally lowers pH levels, creating an ideal environment for fish from Southeast Asia and South America.
Generally, one leaf per 40 Litres of water is recommended.

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Enhance Your Aquarium's Environment with Nature's Goodness

This 10-pack provides a natural way to create a healthy and enriching environment for your fish, mimicking the beneficial properties of blackwater habitats.


  • Natural Habitat Mimic: Indian Almond Leaves replicate the conditions found in blackwater rivers and streams of Southeast Asia and South America. This creates a familiar and comfortable environment for many fish species.
  • Reduced Stress: The tannins released by these leaves have a calming effect on fish, promoting breeding behavior and reducing stress levels, especially in shy or territorial species.
  • Enhanced Immunity: Studies suggest Indian Almond Leaves can strengthen fish's immune systems, making them more resistant to diseases.
  • Gentle pH Adjustment: The leaves gradually release tannins and humic acids, which can gently lower the pH of your aquarium water. This creates a more acidic environment ideal for many fish species.
  • Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties: These leaves boast natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, helping to combat harmful pathogens and promote overall fish health.

Suitable for a Variety of Fish:
These versatile leaves are perfect for a wide range of fish, including:

  • Bettas
  • Discus
  • Tetras
  • Shrimp
  • Angelfish
  • Catfish
  • And many more!

Easy to Use:

  1. Simply rinse the Indian Almond Leaf under running water before adding it to your aquarium.
  2. The leaf will gradually soften and release its beneficial properties into the water.
  3. Depending on the desired effect, you can adjust the number of leaves used. Generally, one leaf per 40 Litres of water is recommended.
  4. Remove the leaf after a few days (when it becomes brittle) and replace it with a new one as needed.

A Natural Approach to a Thriving Aquarium:
Indian Almond Leaves offer a natural and effective way to create a healthier and more visually appealing environment for your fish. By incorporating these leaves into your aquarium routine, you can witness the positive impact on the well-being and vibrancy of your aquatic pets.

Additional Tips:

  • Indian Almond Leaves can stain the water slightly. This is usually harmless and can even be desirable for some fish species.
  • Monitor your water parameters, including pH, after adding the leaves.
  • Adjust the frequency of leaf changes based on the desired water conditions and the size of your aquarium.