Gravel Substrate & Soil

In our Gravel Substrate and Soil category, you'll find a thoughtfully curated selection of products designed to create the ideal base for your aquatic ecosystem. From fine gravels and substrates to nutrient-rich aquatic soils, our range offers options for various tank setups, each serving as the bedrock for your aquatic vision. We know that your aquarium, whether you have a lush planted tank, a cichlid setup, or a peaceful community tank, has unique needs. Our collection includes substrates tailored to specific aquatic environments, ensuring that your aquatic plants and fish receive the foundation they require to thrive.

The ideal substrate for stimulating the growth of aquatic plants in freshwater aquariums.

From: $24.95 – $79.95

1kg Bag
Nisso Plant Soil provides the foundation for a thriving plant aquarium and has plant nutrients (mainly fulvic and humic acids as well as minerals), this naturally regulates the parameters of…

From: $14.95 – $65.00

1kg Bag
Nisso Plant Soil provides the foundation for a thriving plant aquarium and has plant nutrients (mainly fulvic and humic acids as well as minerals), this naturally regulates the parameters of…

From: $14.95 – $65.00

When wet it gives off a blue silver and light Jade hues, however, dry it is fresh and bright with blazing white gravel highlighted with grey pebbles.

From: $13.80 – $39.95

Sourced from ancient beach deposits of New Zealand and shaped by the Southern Ocean's waves.

From: $13.80 – $41.95

This pebble gives a tropical beach feel to any aquarium and extremely unique.


It is suitable for general aquarium use and or for use as a cosmetic sand for the planted aquarium.

From: $23.95 – $69.95

Galaxy premium quartz sands are specially formulated for use in both terrariums and aquariums.
All colours are natural and pure.


La Plata Sand is suitable for general aquarium use and is purely a cosmetic sand for the planted aquarium

From: $23.95 – $69.95

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