Filter Materials

Achieve and maintain crystal-clear water with our filter materials. Our selection includes a range of filter media and materials designed to efficiently remove impurities, debris, and toxins, creating a pristine aquatic environment. Clean and clear water is vital for the health and vitality of your fish.

Zeo-Carb is a premium blend of research grade Fluval Carbon and Fluval Ammonia Remover.

From: $11.85 – $43.50

Treats 400L
Purigen controls ammonia, nitrites and nitrates by removing nitrogenous organic waste that would otherwise release these harmful compounds.

From: $24.80 – $45.50

PhosGuard rapidly removes phosphate and silicate from marine and freshwater aquariums.

From: $27.80 – $55.70

PhosGuard rapidly removes phosphate and silicate from marine and freshwater aquariums.

From: $15.25 – $55.30

The Aqua One AdvanceSub (PremiumSub) Ceramic Substrate is a premium biological filtration media designed to create a thriving environment for beneficial bacteria in your freshwater or saltwater…

From: $10.85 – $30.95

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